QA, HMS og miljø
Our integrated management system ensures quality, health, safety and environment (QHSE).
- We comply with all legal and other requirements within QHSE.
- We require and verify that our suppliers have approved QHSE management systems.
- We are conscious of our environmental impact and keep the environmental impact as low as possible.
Continuous improvement and willingness to change will ensure that we remain a preferred supplier to our customers.
We are ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified by DNV GL and are Achilles JQS qualified.
We are certified as an Environmental Lighthouse and our climate and environmental report can be made available by contacting the QHMS Manager on e-mail qa@haakonellingsen.no and asking to be sent the report.
ISO 9001 Kvalitetsstyring
Certificate HEAS ISO_9001-ENG-95-OSL-AQ-6336-11-20240513.pdf
ISO14001 Miljøstyring
Certificate HEAS ISO_14001-ENG-120582-2012-AE-NOR-NA-7-20240513.pdf
Achilles Global Energy
Achilles Utilities
Achilles Cert_Utilities Nordics and Central Europe_Silver_HEAS 140924.pdf
Magnet JQS leverandør til norsk olje- og gassindustri